wedding planning las vegas

Avoid C19 heart break and analyze your wedding plans now before the decisions are made for you. 

Black and white wedding photography with bride and groom by fire
Alex & Crosbey 11.06.20

Did you know in the 1930s most American brides could not afford a wedding dress so they wore their best dress to a simple court house ceremony? How about in 1942 and 43, couples got engaged, sent out announcements on Monday, invitations via telegram (text message lol) on Wednesday, with a ceremony on Saturday? Couples in love have had to navigate monumental obstacles throughout different periods in time; culture, conflict, and trends, have all influenced weddings and often times resulted in a shift changing weddings from what they were to what they are today. 

Unfortunately, brides and grooms today are facing some of the most frustrating and saddening wedding alterations due to the constantly changing mandates and restrictions in some counties, cities, and states across the US. We want you to know you are not alone and we understand you may be faced with some incredibly painful decisions right now so we are here to help! Below is the 5 steps every couple should be taking now to avoid heartbreak down the road. If you act and plan today you will feel in control moving forward through this ever changing terrain. 

1.) Reschedule

We recommend rescheduling first because this is one of the easiest ways to maintain your original vision and many venues, vendors, guests will understand your predicament and do all they can to assist you. 

2.) “Move” Your Event

Tan monochromatic wedding decor tented las vegas wedding

Sounds crazy right now but there are several states currently operating without COVID restrictions. You may move your event to a non-restricted state and have the freedom to build your dream wedding. Do keep in mind some family members may not feel comfortable traveling during this time so be prepared for some guest still declining.

3.) Reduce Guest Count

This is one of the hardest emotionally to do. How do you un-invite someone you love? Here is our recommended strategy for reducing guests. Highlight each guest type in a different color. 

A. Family

B. Friends 

C. Family you haven’t seen in 12 months or more.

D. Friends you haven’t seen in 3 months or more. 

Start by removing guests from D & C. Write a lovely card to each expressing your apologies and gratitude for their understanding. Did you reach your guest count? If not, try this next approach. 

Reduce to family only and couples only (no children) and consider having a party on your one-year anniversary for those you had to un-invite or remove from the list. 

Still having trouble reducing your guest list? Consider only family or friends that are within driving distance.   

4.) Private Property

Do you have a family member or friend with a house/yard big enough to support your guest count? This may be a great option for you. Private properties give couples a lot of freedom in planning without having to follow current business restrictions in your area. Beware, there are some hurdles to backyard weddings, before deciding to move forward check out our Backyard Wedding blog for a full scope on the challenges of backyard I Do’s. 

5.) Elope!

Rustic wedding bride and groom Las vegas barn wedding
Jessecca + Aaron Wedding 10.01.20

One way to avoid hurt feelings, elope and postpone a reception until the restrictions are removed. Many couples have varying reasons for needing to/wanting to get married as soon as possible. If none of the above feel like the right option for you but you need to get married ASAP, Elope! There are tons of cute ways to still make it a magical fun day for you and your love. 

Remember, getting married is about proclaiming your life long love and commitment to each other, in 5 years none of this CV19 craziness will matter. All that will matter is you and your soulmate are living your best lives! By following the 5 steps every couple should be taking now you are simply ensuring a less stressful wedding planning experience.