wedding planning las vegas

Avoid C19 heart break and analyze your wedding plans now before the decisions are made for you. 

Black and white wedding photography with bride and groom by fire
Alex & Crosbey 11.06.20

Did you know in the 1930s most American brides could not afford a wedding dress so they wore their best dress to a simple court house ceremony? How about in 1942 and 43, couples got engaged, sent out announcements on Monday, invitations via telegram (text message lol) on Wednesday, with a ceremony on Saturday? Couples in love have had to navigate monumental obstacles throughout different periods in time; culture, conflict, and trends, have all influenced weddings and often times resulted in a shift changing weddings from what they were to what they are today. 

Unfortunately, brides and grooms today are facing some of the most frustrating and saddening wedding alterations due to the constantly changing mandates and restrictions in some counties, cities, and states across the US. We want you to know you are not alone and we understand you may be faced with some incredibly painful decisions right now so we are here to help! Below is the 5 steps every couple should be taking now to avoid heartbreak down the road. If you act and plan today you will feel in control moving forward through this ever changing terrain. 

1.) Reschedule

We recommend rescheduling first because this is one of the easiest ways to maintain your original vision and many venues, vendors, guests will understand your predicament and do all they can to assist you. 

2.) “Move” Your Event

Tan monochromatic wedding decor tented las vegas wedding

Sounds crazy right now but there are several states currently operating without COVID restrictions. You may move your event to a non-restricted state and have the freedom to build your dream wedding. Do keep in mind some family members may not feel comfortable traveling during this time so be prepared for some guest still declining.

3.) Reduce Guest Count

This is one of the hardest emotionally to do. How do you un-invite someone you love? Here is our recommended strategy for reducing guests. Highlight each guest type in a different color. 

A. Family

B. Friends 

C. Family you haven’t seen in 12 months or more.

D. Friends you haven’t seen in 3 months or more. 

Start by removing guests from D & C. Write a lovely card to each expressing your apologies and gratitude for their understanding. Did you reach your guest count? If not, try this next approach. 

Reduce to family only and couples only (no children) and consider having a party on your one-year anniversary for those you had to un-invite or remove from the list. 

Still having trouble reducing your guest list? Consider only family or friends that are within driving distance.   

4.) Private Property

Do you have a family member or friend with a house/yard big enough to support your guest count? This may be a great option for you. Private properties give couples a lot of freedom in planning without having to follow current business restrictions in your area. Beware, there are some hurdles to backyard weddings, before deciding to move forward check out our Backyard Wedding blog for a full scope on the challenges of backyard I Do’s. 

5.) Elope!

Rustic wedding bride and groom Las vegas barn wedding
Jessecca + Aaron Wedding 10.01.20

One way to avoid hurt feelings, elope and postpone a reception until the restrictions are removed. Many couples have varying reasons for needing to/wanting to get married as soon as possible. If none of the above feel like the right option for you but you need to get married ASAP, Elope! There are tons of cute ways to still make it a magical fun day for you and your love. 

Remember, getting married is about proclaiming your life long love and commitment to each other, in 5 years none of this CV19 craziness will matter. All that will matter is you and your soulmate are living your best lives! By following the 5 steps every couple should be taking now you are simply ensuring a less stressful wedding planning experience.

Bride and groom standing in front of sunflower fields

Why Couples Should Think Twice Before Ditching Their Original Wedding Plans For A Backyard Wedding. 

Bride and groom standing in front of sunflower field

As couples and venues have been adjusting to current safety protocols we have seen the popularity of backyard weddings rising quickly. With venues establishing restrictions such as mandatory social distancing, masks, and reduced guest counts, many couples have found freedom in hosting events on private properties. Before jumping on the backyard wedding bandwagon here are 5 reasons planning a backyard wedding isn’t for you.

1.) Know What To Expect

Wedding ceremony arch with chiffon draping on a large tree

A backyard wedding can be a great solution as opposed to postponing your wedding. But keep in mind it is still a backyard. If your original dream was a 5 star resort in Vail, a backyard simply will not feel the same. We are all for turning backyards into beautiful wedding wonderlands, sometimes you need to think further than just the ceremony though. Will you be using a family members house, a friends, or even your own? Typically this means you will be getting ready upstairs in someones personal home. Your photographer may struggle to find unique photo locations, there will be more work done to keep you hidden form the groom, and all in all there is a lack of separation from set-up, get ready spaces, photos, and event space. While the ceremony will feel magical some of the events leading up too, and after will feel a bit different.

2.) It Is What It Is

Backyard wedding table lay out with light blue linens and rustic chairs

With that said, you and your fiancé should discuss your wedding expectations and if a backyard wedding will fulfill those. If your dream was a weekend getaway in a gorgeous new area following more traditional wedding rules you will need to come to terms with what elements you will be giving up and prioritizing the ones you can create.

Or, postpone your wedding to achieve your original goals. Backyard weddings can be beautiful and we have seen some amazing love stories play out it will not give you the same feeling that a dedicated wedding venue and traditional day of schedule will give you. To avoid disappointment during your day you need to accept that a backyard wedding will not feel the same as a traditional wedding venue. It can be and will be amazing but not the same. So adjust your expectations and appreciate the day for what it is!

3.) It Is Not A Guaranteed Money Saver

Fall inspired wedding florals in rustic metal bucket

Some couples believe they will save loads of money using a backyard for free. Yes, you can save money hosting a wedding in a backyard vs a wedding venue. This is normally accomplished by adopting a more boho/ rustic style where, you genuinely use kitchen dishes from home, tables your family donates, and other decor items that do not need to be purchased. Often you will also see easier catering options like food trucks, or family made meals.

However, if you are trying to replicate the feeling of a traditional wedding venue you may actually spend more money doing so in your backyard. When you book with a wedding venue they typically include furniture rentals, sectioned off spaces, built in style/decor elements, and discounted wedding items. If you are planning to replicate these same things you will need to rent and supply every single item. This means you will be paying for: tables, chairs, linens, china, cutlery, lighting, bar set up, glassware, dance floors, etc etc etc. Think of every element you want to include in your wedding, itemize that list, and think of purchasing/renting each individual item. It adds up quick!

4.) Vendors Aren’t Used To Working In A Backyard

Backyard wedding drink and appetizer displays

One thing most couples don’t consider when planning a backyard wedding is that some backyards are, simply put, funky. Backyard layouts can be difficult for many reasons. When planning really take the time to consider each vendor being brought in and everything that vendor may need. Caterer’s will need a staging area, DJ’s need power, rented lighting will use a lot of that power, photographers and videographers often need a room to store equipment, and all of these vendors will need a restroom.  

WBL rule of thumb, when planning an outdoor backyard wedding try to limit anytime guest are inside of the property. Having guest enter through a side gate in the yard and stay outside will help in masking the fact that you are at someones home. With that in mind you will need a designated restroom for guest and vendors. If possible keep these separate, and stock the guest restroom as if you were in a hotel. Little touches make all the difference!

Unfortunately we have seen too many vendors flounder in backyard environments because they are not cut and dry weddings. It takes a lot more creativity to bring it all together! 

5.) Backyard Weddings Are A Lot Of Labor

Vintage inspired seating lounge in outdoor wedding venue

Our final warning, be prepared for a lot of manual labor. Again, you are setting everything up and bringing everything in individually. A great way to save money is to set up and decorate yourself, but it will take a lot of man power. Leading up to your wedding you may be more labor than princess. To avoid this you can absolutely bring in set up crews, or a handyman service to help but be prepared for the additional cost! 

This is in no way to discourage you from living out your backyard dreams. These 5 reasons planning a backyard wedding won’t solve everything, are to give you realistic expectations on what the process and day will look like look. It is so important to know what you are getting into with a backyard wedding and what you are looking for out of it. We suggest couples looking to achieve an elegant event more similar to a traditional wedding venue absolutely look into hiring a full or partial wedding planner. Brining in a pro will help in not only utilizing the space in the best way possible, but also organizing the day and vendors to ensure there are no typical backyard hiccups.

wedding guest dresses

An easy explanation for any bride on a budget who needs a little help along the way.

Wedding ceremony in the mountains couple holding white Mr. and Mrs. balloons.

The world of wedding planning can often be confusing and stressful. There are a lot of options out there for brides looking to have a stress free wedding planning experience but cannot afford a full service wedding planner. When looking at different wedding planning packages we always suggest considering the cost of the service, your budget, and what you may be giving up to include this service. If you have a $15,000 wedding budget a $4,000 wedding planner is going to take a big chunk of that budget right away, are you giving up a non-negotiable? At this point you may be thinking, but I still need some planning help though! This is exactly where Partial Wedding Planning packages come in. The only tricky part is how to make sense of Partial Wedding Planning, and determine if this is the right option for you.

So What is Included?

Red and gold wedding invitation set from

Each wedding planner will have different package options for ‘Partial Wedding Planning’ and this can be a key factor in choosing what planner you want to work with. Most partial packages will include day of wedding management, but may differ from there:

  • Some will offer a set amount of hours of planning assistance, so for example you may have 10 hours of planning help. This can be used for consultations, phone calls, or vendor meetings but will all be tracked. We suggest being wary of this option. Typically you either have a couple who uses up time on topics they didn’t really need to and had no help for other more important planning items. Or you have a planner who will pick and choose when they want to help. Overall we think this is not a clear option as so many aspects of planning cannot be broken down by a simple time frame.
  • Other planners will simply organize the planning process for you. They will set your budget, timelines, calendar reminders and may offer light support via phone or email throughout the journey. If you are lacking organizational support this can be great option. 
  • Or packages similar to ours where a planner will combine a-la-carte services. This can include setting a budget, wedding design options, vendor recommendations, and monthly consultations. The nice part here is that a planner will typically build a custom package based on your exact needs. It is a great way to ensure you have help where you need it and you’re not paying for help when you don’t.

Sounds Great, But Somethings Missing…

All white 3 tier wedding cake with white flowers on top.

There are many added benefits to hiring a partial planner, having help of any kind is always going to be welcome. But, as you might have noticed most planners will not offer vendor sourcing, negotiation, or contracting in partial planning packages.

You may remember the “Wedding Tax Breakdown” where we explained the added work for vendors when it comes to weddings and why there is typically an up charge for wedding services. This same rule applies to most wedding planners.

Finding, securing, and finalizing details with vendors is a huge workload and can be very time consuming. Especially when you consider that a planner is a “middle man” between you and the vendor. They have to go back and forth between the vendor and client throughout the planning process. Most planners thrive in helping couples design and execute magical weddings, which is why they offer these less expensive partial planning options. But again there is so much work to be done on the vendor side of things, and this cannot be easily tracked and managed using set hours. You cannot do monthly consultations to book vendors, and negotiating pricing and details is one of the largest projects in wedding planning. 

So Is a Partial Wedding Planning Package Right For Me?

Outside wedding reception with gold chiavari chairs and hanging lights

This really depends on where you need the most help or support on your wedding journey. If you really need help staying organized, or making decisions, day of wedding management with added consultations is a great option for you. If you feel comfortable working with vendors, but need some design help and expert consultations an a-la-carte package will be perfect. However if the thought of researching vendors, going over contracts, making decisions, and managing payments is all a bit too much you may want to consider adjusting your budget to include a full service planner. Vendor management is one of the biggest jobs in wedding planning while not hard for some couples to do it is time consuming and you will pay for that time.

Again most wedding planners really enjoy designing weddings, working with couples, and bringing an event together. If these are the areas you need help in Partial Wedding Planning does make sense for you. You can bring in an expert to really add the professional touch and will enjoy helping you. 

Wedding planners Las Vegas

5 Ways Every Bride Can Avoid Paying 50% or More In Dreaded Wedding Taxes!

Budget Bride standing on vintage VW Beetle in the desert with hot air balloons

Disclaimer! I do not condone intentionally lying or deceiving a vendor in order to “save a buck”. What I do recommend is following these wedding planning secrets from a pro, which can help brides that want to have an affordable, and memorable experience without going into debt or draining financial resources. So what is the wedding secret budget bride’s need to know, well first we need to start with wedding tax.

What Is The Wedding Tax?

To be blunt, it is a vendor markup for having to deal with the headaches associated with weddings. Using the example of a bakery, woman calls and orders a cake for a friend’s birthday party. Not complicated, make it cute, and spell the friends name correctly. Done!  Now, same woman calls and wants a wedding cake. But not just any wedding cake, she wants to taste every flavor of cake you make along with different frosting combinations, she wants 3 tiers and each tier a different flavor because Uncle Jeff hates vanilla, and the maid of honor insists raspberry is the hottest trend, and…and… get the idea? 

Weddings have become (and may have always been) these massively emotional and egotistical events with overly demanding consumers that want a royal affair regardless of their ability to pay for dominating a vendor’s time and attention. If you are NOT that type of bride, you most certainly may avoid (in most cases) WEDDING TAX.

1.) Keep It Simple

When purchasing décor, florals, or renting tables, chairs, etc. simply request exactly what you need and when. Be prepared in advance and keep the questions minimal. Order a plain white, 2 tier cake, 50 folding chairs, 10 tables, etc. without diving into any details. Do not call and ask “how to” questions; expecting the vendor to spend extra time on your order.  

2.) Be Open To New Ideas

Vintage record player used as wedding guest book sign in

If you are working with a wedding planner make it fun! Wedding planners are most often creative people who love weddings. If you have a limited budget give them a bit of input and let them be creative. Plus, delightful people are such a pleasure to work with, you will find vendors, planners, and venues will go above and beyond to ensure you have an incredible experience. 

3.) Honesty Always Wins

Wedding budget for budget brides beginners info-graphic

Be up front about what you want and what you can pay for it. You may find a vendor will negotiate especially if you are paying with cash or bank transfer. 

4.) Don’t Be Afraid To Shop Around

Cup of tea and saucer with lap top and plant

If the tax is too high keep on looking. It may take you additional leg work to find what you need without paying a high price. 

5.) Stand Out From The Crowd

Black bride in modern lace wedding dress with boho hat

Don’t do what everyone else is doing. If something is trendy (like planning your wedding on a numerically fancy date) then vendors will be charging higher prices because they can and will get paid for desirable dates, styles, etc. 

Most vendors in the industry love what they do and truly enjoy helping make a couples dream come true. But there is an almost added guarantee that a vendor will have to spend more time, and energy on a wedding than any other special event. Now you understand the wedding secret budget brides need to know! Need some more help on negotiating with vendors? We would love to help, Click Here to request a consultation with our team.

unique wedding guest dresses

Why Every DIY Bride Should Say I Do To A Day Of Wedding Coordinator 

DIY bride with groom in a kilt on the beach

During your wedding planning process you may find yourself wondering if you really need a day of wedding coordinator. Some brides who have enjoyed planning their weddings do not see the need for bringing an expert in on the day. Well, we are to explain why every DIY bride should ask “Will you be my wedding coordinator”. No matter how great of a planner you are the duties of day of coordination are not something you, your partner, or family should be worried about. Here’s why:

1.) Every Event Needs A Host

Bride and groom celebrating with their wedding guest and confetti
Photo Credit : June Bug Weddings

Think back to the last great party you attended, chances are that party had a great host. No matter how great the decorations, food, or music, every event needs a host to help guide guest throughout the evening. Coordinators are there to help do just that. Instead of a bride or family member telling guest it is time to sit, stand, move, groove, a coordinator will be there to help guest flow throughout the event. No wedding attendee should be confused or lost as to where they should be or what is happening. The coordinator is there to answer questions and make sure someone whether themselves or an MC is providing clear instructions for everyone to follow and enjoy their time. 

2.) Couples Should Be Enjoying the Party, Not Coordinating the Wedding 

Bride and groom sparkler farewell
Photo Credit : June Bug Weddings

Day of wedding timelines are fairly strict. Typically you are dealing with limited time spans in venues and a lot of “to do’s” to run through. Neither the bride or groom should be looking at their watches checking to make sure things are on time, or that the cake is cut right at 6. Instead you as a couple should be in the moment savoring every minute of celebrating with your loved ones. Hire someone to handle this for you! A good coordinator will be strict on time management to make sure everything you would like to happen, happens and happens on time. This will ensure a stress free day for you, leading to a magical wedding experience.

3.) Weddings Are Business Transactions 

Wedding coordinator with brown hair

While not as fairytale as some would like to believe, a wedding is one big business transaction between different vendors. Most DIY brides save money but using different vendors for every part of the day, hunting down the best deal can save a lot during the planning process. What this means though is that there is a lot of business to be handled during the wedding. All of these different vendors will need a single leader to ensure everyone is doing their part, and working cohesively together. Step in your coordinator, a single point of contact throughout the entire day. Any decisions that need to made, adjustments throughout the day, and end of event settlements will all run through your coordinator. Again the bride, groom, and family should all be enjoying the party and celebrating, not running around with tipping all your vendors at the end of the night. 

4.) Last Call

Champagne bottle in ice bucket for wedding

Unfortunately every great party must come to an end, and that end is normally easier said than done. With a great coordinators help everyone has had far too much fun and may not want to call it quits for last call. A coordinator will help ease this transition by gently guiding guest to their next destination in a timely manner. Most wedding venues have strict end times due to noise, and staffing restrictions. This can cause a couple a lot of headache or even fee’s if that time is not upheld. Let someone else watch that time and do the nudging while you run off to enjoy the rest of the night!

We fully believe in every couple has the ability to plan an amazing wedding themselves, but also believe that a little expert help can make a big difference in your ability to enjoy the day. So whether you ask our team or another every DIY bride should be asking “will you be my wedding coordinator?”. Click Here to request a complimentary wedding consultation.

Orange County Wedding Planners

How to choose the best bridesmaid style no matter your bridal party size

Bridesmaids holding wedding bouquets in dusty blue bridesmaid dresses

While the bride and her gown are the real stars of any wedding the bridesmaids can really help to enhance that beauty or sometimes even distract from it. With this in mind we have come up with the perfect bridesmaid dress styles for any bridal party size. This way your bride tribe will look and feel gorgeous only adding to the beauty of the day. One of the biggest things to keep in mind when selecting bridesmaid dresses is how the photos from the ceremony will look. If you pick dresses that are too loud the attention may be drawn away form the bride and be focused just on the bridal party. On the other hand you always want to make sure your girls look and feel beautiful that way everyone has big smiles the day of. 

1 Bridesmaid or 1 Maid of Honor

Boho bride with bridesmaid in taupe boho bridesmaid dress

The average size for a bridal party floats between 3-5 bridesmaids. Most images you see online and while shopping for dresses will feature a bridal party of this size. This can make it difficult to know what styles will look best for your smaller party though. One big benefit to having just one bestie is you do not have to navigate different body types or skin tones. Together you can find a flattering dress perfect for her and know she will look and feel her best. We suggest keeping things simple here. An understated dress that seamlessly fits in with your wedding theme is the perfect option here. You may opt for a tea length dress to avoid your gown looking too similar to the bridesmaid dress. 

Keep It Simple For 2 Bridesmaids 

For two bridesmaid we highly suggest keeping the dresses and colors the same. With two girls having different styles or colors can make your bridal party seem uncoordinated and confusing. This is where you will want to go for an elegant put together look. We suggest long gowns, form fitting or flowing depending on what Is most flattering for your party. Along with the same color for both. Keep this in mind when finalizing your wedding colors and bridal party, you don’t want to go with a pastel pink if one of your girls has very fair skin. That will lead to washed out photos of her, or darkened photos of you. Remember, if your girls don’t look good your photos aren’t going to either. Picking colors that flatter everyone is very important when making this decision. 

Perfect Trends For 3-5 Bridesmaids

The bridal party sweet spot. This bridal party size is where you can find the most inspiration online. No matter your wedding colors, or theme there is tons and tons to pull from here. So we have included our favorite trending styles below. We do suggest still staying in the same color house but you can start to play with some different dress styles. 

Elegance With 5+ Bridesmaids

Bride with her bridesmaid in all black bridesmaid dresses

Having more than 5 girls in your wedding party can really make a statement and lead to gorgeous photos. However if you are keeping a more traditional wedding theme you may want to keep your girls in the same colors. You will most likely need to include some different dress styles as finding one gown that will fit everyone in a flattering way will be difficult. We absolutely love to see black bridesmaids dresses fall in this category! Your wedding can instantly look like it is off the pages of vogue when making a statement like this. 

5+ Bridesmaid For A Trendy Bride

If you have chosen to have a group of girls with you but also a more contemporary wedding theme, this is where you can really have some fun with colors! When you have enough girls to pull it off doing a color wheel can be so chic. We have included some inspiration below along with a link to BrideSide who specialize in this look!

Still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the options? We would love to help! Virtual Bridal Consultations available at just $25 an hour to tackle any wedding planning questions you may have.

las vegas wedding coordinator

4 Reasons every bride should invest in virtual wedding consultations. 

Boho wedding ceremony on a beach. Bride in white dress with groom in tan suit

We are major fans of all our DIY brides planning magical weddings on their reality budgets. We continue to find new ways to help educate and support any bride taking the wedding planning challenge head on. With that said we do have 1 major tip to help any bride plan your DIY wedding like a pro. Utilize virtual wedding consultations! We fully believe that not every bride needs a full service wedding planner but do have 4 reasons every bride should invest in virtual wedding consultations.

1.) You are not a wedding expert

The wedding planner movie with Jennifer Lopez

Again, we are all for planning your own wedding and believe most couples have the capability to do a lot of the ground work of planning. However sometimes having expert advice can really help to get you on the right path. It is as simple as, you don’t know what you don’t know. So while many couples are very capable of doing research, making phone calls, addressing invitations, and finalizing guest list. There are numerous topics such as guest experience, contract negations, or even the best ways to stay organized, that a wedding expert can easily assist with in a short amount of time to get you headed in the right direction. 

2.) Don’t let Pinterest overwhelm you

Black and gold night time wedding reception. Black and white dance floor

Pinterest can be a great source for style and decor inspiration. The big thing you have to keep in mind when scrolling through, is that a lot of what you are seeing is done with high budgets for large weddings. If you are planning a more intimate occasion on a conservative budget, including 6 different colors, lots of florals, and vintage furniture can all become extremely expensive and easily look uncoordinated. This is where a one hour video chat can really help. Use this time to present some of your color and theme ideas and let an expert get you on a gorgeous path that can be easily managed. If you are having a hard time with the creative/artsy/decor side of things an experts advice cannot only help paint a picture for you but make sure you don’t spend your whole budget replicating florals you saw online.

3.) Get set up with the best resources for you

Tea cup and saucer sitting on coffee table in front of lap top

There are tons and tons of wedding planning tips, tricks, books, podcast, etc out in the world. While that might seem great, having endless resources to learn from. It can be difficult knowing which are the right resources for you and your bridal style. Reading a book based on planning weddings of $30k if you have budget of $5k is not going to assist on your planning journey. But sharing your budget, ideas, and wants to a consultant is the quickest way to get the most helpful resources for you and your wedding goals. 

4.) Covid is not going away

Interracial bride and groom wearing face masks for wedding

One of the biggest ways a full service wedding planner can assist a couple is in their plan B,C, & D strategies. Experts in any special event industry understand that events are ever evolving and you will always need back up plans. To achieve this you have to stay calm, have other resources, and adjust accordingly. This is becoming even more apparent in our current global climate. Many brides are postponing dates, scaling down, or even eloping due to the restrictions being placed on group gatherings. Whether you are optimistically planning for a future wedding or currently adjusting your original pans calling in an expert to help set up back up plans is a smart idea. Again wedding experts have knowledge and resources you do not have access to that can be of great assistance in creative plan B’s. 

We believe anyone (when provided the right tools) can plan your DIY wedding like a pro. Virtual consultations are a huge money saving asset available right now that should be utilized. We would love to help get you started with a free 1 hour consultation on any topic of your choosing. (click here to form)

Honeymoon couple sitting on the beach

Our 5 Favorite Ways to Celebrate Your Postponed Wedding Date

Save the new wedding date, wedding invitation

The world is slowly returning to a post covid “normal”, and while that is great news, we do know many brides are still struggling with postponement decisions. Even if you had to postpone/reschedule your wedding we think it is very important to still celebrate your originally picked date. Choosing to postpone my wedding was not an easy decision in a time where things did feel a bit dark. So we will absolutely be celebrating on our original date as we look forward to having our dream wedding later on. So here are our 5 favorite ways to celebrate your postponed wedding date. Have fun!

1.) Host a Dinner With Your Wedding Party

Fire and ice roses with yellow flowers in clear vases. Budget wedding centerpieces

Personally I am in love with this idea as it is a great way to celebrate with your wedding party (who also had to change plans). At the same time it gives our DIY brides a chance to test any DIY wedding projects you were planning for the wedding. I.E: Flower arrangements, place cards, centerpieces, hair and/or makeup ideas, even a signature wedding cocktail. (Top 5 Signature Wedding Cocktails)

To help tie in some practice we think it is best to coordinate your dinner party with your original wedding theme. This way you can play with colors, and arrangements before the big day. I will be doing all of my own floral arrangements so am going to use this as a chance to practice some center pieces or even a bouquet option for display. 

Tip: Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, or a farmers market, are perfect places to snag some gorgeous flowers. I find the organic stores have great prices for more unique options. I also did this for our engagement photos!

2.) Play the WBL Engagement Game

Engagement game for a newly engaged couple

This one is pretty straight forward and can be combined with other ideas on the list. We suggest having a fun game night with your love starting off with our newlywed game! Some couples play during their bachelor/bachelorette parties, or during the reception so it is a fun way to tie in some postponed festivities. To make things a bit more fun incorporating a drink for wrong answers challenge is perfect! 

3.) 24 Hour Honeymoon

Depending on where you live and what restrictions are in place this might look a little different for everyone. One sure fire way to get away is camping. Most parks, and campsites are open so pack up your tent, sleeping bags, and some food for a perfect getaway. Not only is this a fun way to celebrate, but we love the idea of getting away from the chaos of the world right now. Disconnecting and being with your hunny is the perfect way to share some joy as you look forward to the future. 

Unique honeymoon while tent camping in the woods

4.) Wine Making Night

I absolutely love this idea especially if your wedding is more than a year away. This way you can let the wine settle and open it on your wedding night or during your honeymoon!

We definitely suggest grabbing one or two bottles of your favorite wine and having fun with it. No guarantees the wine will taste amazing but it is so much fun to experiment with it and you never know what wine making skills you might have! I linked one of the less expensive versions on amazon below!

Make your own wine kit
Click HERE

5.) Post Covid Goals Collage

So I know this one might sound a bit cheesy but hang in there with me! The world has been a crazy place lately and it has been increasingly difficult to set goals, and look forward to the future when things seem so unsure. So to help get you back on the positive light track together pick 10 goals for the next year. Whether it be work changes, vacations, or even date nights. Print past pictures of happy times and new ones of your set goals. Print everything out and make it into a fun collage. This can be kept to yourself or even shared at your wedding. The best way to keep moving forward is to have something to look forward too!

Here’s one to help get you started!

Married couple sitting on the beach

Whatever option you choose to celebrate your postponed wedding date just remember, love is not canceled. At the end of the day yours and your partners happiness is all that matters. Sending love and positive vibes to all of our brides!

Red and orange cocktail platter with black and white straws

5 Easy-to-Make Signature Wedding Cocktails to Try at Home

Speciality red cocktails on tray with black and white striped straws

Planning a wedding and being stuck in isolation don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. However we have found a way that you can have a bit of fun while still getting some planning done. Many couples are opting for fun & easy signature wedding drinks for their guest. This is a great way to avoid the expense of a full open bar, while also ensuring everyone has a drink in hand. Signature wedding drinks should be relatively simple, able to be pre-made and stored in large pitchers. This also makes for an easy quarantine cocktail because we are betting you have the ingredients on hand already. So we have collected 5 recipes to try at home and help pick your signature wedding drink(s). Happy Planning!

1.) Lemon Drop Champagne Punch

Lemon drop champagne punch recipe

2.) 4 Ingredient Margarita

4 ingredient margarita recipe

3.) Simple Sangria

Simple sangria recipe

4.) Blackberry Whiskey Lemonade

blackberry whiskey lemonade recipe

5.) Pineapple Mojito

pineapple mojito recipe

Have you tried any of the fun & easy wedding drinks on the list? We want to know how your experience was and what your favorite recipe was. As always we are open for suggestions and need to know if you have any. Just remember the goal for a signature wedding drink is too pre-make them in large pitchers that can be easily stored, this way you are not managing the bar or making drinks on your wedding day.

Once you have decided on your signature wedding drink(s) your next step is picking some cute names! We have included a link to Whimsique for a list of the cutest signature wedding drink names. Click Here

Also be sure to check out our latest blog on the Top Ways to Celebrate Your Postponed Wedding. So many couples have had to change their plans but we still believe it is so important to honor your original wedding date. Making fun signature wedding cocktails at home can be a perfect way to plan for your new wedding date while celebrating your postponed wedding date. As always we are sending love and positive vibes to all of our brides!

Cartoon woman shrugging with wedding aisle behind her

Should I Postpone my wedding? That truly is the burning question.

There you are, happily planning away; making arrangements, sending deposits, tasting cakes, and Whammo! COVID-19 hits and our world is completely rocked. In a matter of weeks our booming economy has been decimated, lives lost, jobs lost, businesses closed, and in some states, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. The whole situation feels like a bad sci-fi movie that we can’t tear ourselves away from. Collectively, we are afraid, we are in mourning, and we need a sense of security and control restored. 

The truth is, this is not the first time a global crisis has impacted us, and it most definitely will not be the last. Human beings have endured famine, pandemics, world wars, financial collapses, natural disasters and that is to just name a few.  We have survived and thrived over and over again; the key right now is to stay healthy, stay safe, and conserve your resources! 

We know the crisis will end and it is a beautiful thing to be looking toward the future with hope; BUT the question remains, when will it end? When will we return closer to normal? And should I postpone my wedding?

Here is some food for thought to help you decide if you should or shouldn’t reschedule as well as quick tips if you do need to make adjustments. 

Married couple wearing face masks

#1 – Are you still employed? 

YES – If you are still employed, your wedding date is October 2020 or later and you have the financial resources to host your wedding as planned then my advice is do not reschedule. Keep on as planned but remain flexible, this situation is fluid and can change drastically at any moment. 

NO – if you are no longer employed (whether laid off or furloughed), absolutely, 100% reschedule. Conserve your resources! Your security and safety are far more important right now. TIP: With COVID-19 all across the country gatherings of 10 or more are restricted. Call your venue and your vendors (if you have already gotten to this step in planning) and share with them you have been laid off due to COVID-19, request a new date (go with your original planned time of year or give yourself at least 1 year to financially recover). 

#2 – Is your wedding planned prior to October 2020? 

YES – I would consider rescheduling to 2021 or start modifying arrangements to ensure you are practicing social distancing during your celebration. Work with your venue, wedding planner, etc. to find the best way to maintain your ceremony and reception while keeping yourself and your guests safe. TIP: each guest requires 36 sq. ft to maintain the CDC recommended 6’ physical distance, you may safely use this number with your venue to rearrange space. You may need to reduce your guest list in order to achieve this.  

NO – Don’t reschedule but remember to stay flexible! You may need to make arrangements to ensure physical distancing during your ceremony and reception. 

#3 – Don’t want to reschedule, but you are unemployed and want to get married before the end of 2020?

If this applies to you we have you covered! It is time to tighten down the hatches and plan an intimate, unique, and creative celebration. Start thinking patio, backyard wedding with 10 people in person and more guests virtually.

Rustic wedding bride and groom leaning on rustic wheel barrow

We would love to help you pull this together, email us at for a free, Covid Wedding Relief Plan, and consultation. Yes, it is fully free. 

If like many other brides you said yes, I should postpone my wedding hoping for better days. We still have some fun ways for you to celebrate your original wedding date. Check out our latest blog – here – for fun ways to still celebrate!

blonde woman in white wedding dress

10 Elegant Wedding Dresses All Under $500, Perfect For Any Discount Bride

The wedding planning process is changing, with the current global climate brides are having to get more creative in not only their shopping, but also their spending. With that, we thought it would be the perfect time to hunt for some inexpensive dresses you can find all online. We are normally huge supporters of local boutiques and this can normally be a great way to find some hidden treasures. Unfortunately shopping in person is not an option right now so we have collected 10 wedding dresses under $500, as well as some great online retailers to hunt for your own.

#1 Nordstrom – The Heiress Slit Long Sleeve Wedding Dress

Nordstrom long sleeve mermaid wedding dress

Price: $495

Not many brides think of Nordstrom when they begin their dress hunt, but they have a small collection of dresses many $1,000 or below. Perfect option for a contemporary vibe.

#2 NordstromSophisticate Trumpet Wedding Dress

Nordstrom trumpet wedding dress

Price: $405

Another great find from Nordstrom, this gown gives the perfect old Hollywood glam look.

#3 AsosSequin Kimono Sleeve Wedding Dress

Asos sequin wedding dress. Boho wedding dress

Price : $339

You typically think basics when Asos comes to mind but Asos does have a bridal line as well. Most gowns fall under the $200 price range and it is a great option for any bride looking for a trendier dress, just like this boho chic look with some added glam.

#4 Asos Bariano Square Neck Bridal Dress

Asos - Bariano Square Neck Bridal Dress

Price : $466

We love this trendy take on a tradition lace A-Line. The floral lace pattern is gorgeous and the peplum top it a perfect way to stand out from the norm.

#5 LulusLost in Magic Ivory Metallic

Lulus - Lost in Magic Ivory Metallic wedding dress

Price : $130

Lulus was a new find for us but has tons of inexpensive bridal options including bridesmaid dress, and day of accessories. Even we couldn’t believe this gorgeous gown was under $200!

#6 LulusYou Belong With Me

Lulu's you belong with me wedding dress

Price : $124

For any loyal “Say Yes to the Dress” viewer you will recognize this lace pattern as one of the newest trends from top designers. Finding a dupe version is a big win for any fans of this beautiful style.

#7 Flora Vere N. Kahn Wide Leg Pant

Wide leg wedding suit for bride

Price : $310

No list is complete without a good pant suit. The wide leg and low neck comes together for a feminine and stylish suit.

#8 Nearly Newlywed

Champagne colored wedding dress with ruffled skirt

Price :  $250

Nearly newlywed gives brides a chance to resell their new or pre-owned gowns, wedding accessories, and bridesmaids gowns. It is a great way to snag designer dresses at great cost. A good thing to remember after your wedding too!

#9 David’s Bridal –  Satin Sweetheart Ball Gown

Davids bridal ball gown

Price : $499

Most brides are familiar with the discount bridal chain, and we do think it is a perfect option for more traditional brides. You can find gorgeous ball gowns to make your Cinderella dreams comes true.

#10 David’s BridalTiered Tulle Ball Gown

Davids bridal ruffled tier ball gown wedding dress

Price : $249.95

Tulle is so fun and flirty but can get pretty expensive to have the full skirt Hayley Paige gown. This dupe can give you the same fun feelings without breaking the budget!

Did you find your dream dress for under $500? Share a pic of your dress (in the bag if its before the big day!) on Instagram using #wblperfectdress and tag us @weddingsbyleigh.